Pasta Night

We have declared Friday night to be pasta night in our house. In an effort to make noodles palatable to my 10 yo, Mojo and I made them ourselves.

The ingredients are very simple — flour, eggs, salt.

It’s a lot of fun to play with a pasta maker! Both Mojo and my 2 yo niece, Pie, were covered with flour.

We tried drying the noodles all nice and straight over a wooden rack but they kept breaking. We gave up and dried them in a heap with flour on a towel.

They cooked quickly and we served them with garlic, tomatoes, basil & shrimp sauteed in olive oil.

They were devoured.

1 Comment »

  1. Megan (mommatothebear on SM) said

    You are my hero Will you be my mom? 🙂

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